Know Your Status!

HIV Test Kit

Did you know Special Health Resources offers FREE at-home HIV tests?
Learn your status on your own time, in your own space.

Get Your Free Test Kit

Simply click the link below to answer a quick, confidential survey to see if you qualify. Filling out the survey does not guarantee you will receive a test kit. Our staff will let you know if you qualify within two to three business days of you submitting a completed survey.

Confidential At-Home HIV Test Survey

An HIV at-home self-test (a rapid self-test) is an antibody test that can tell you your test results within 20 minutes. Each test comes with step-by-step instructions.

Understanding your HIV-status allows you to take control of your health and is important for your relationships. If you test negative, you can get more information on different prevention tools, such as PrEP, and if you test positive you can start treatment to manage HIV and help prevent transmission to others.

  • Why get tested for HIV?
    Testing is the only way to know for sure if you have HIV. Knowing your status will allow you to take control of your health. If you test negative, you can get more information on different prevention tools, such as PrEP, and if you test positive you can start treatment to manage HIV.
  • What is an at-home test?
    An HIV at-home self-test (a rapid self-test) is an antibody test that can tell you your test results within 20 minutes. Each test comes with step-by-step instructions.
  • If I test positive for HIV, how can I be treated?
    Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is the use of medications to treat HIV. You should start treatment as soon as possible as ART helps people live healthier, longer lives, and helps reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to a partner.
  • When can HIV be detected after exposure?
    The period between exposure and when a test can tell if you have HIV varies by person and depends on the type of HIV test used. Current tests can detect the HIV virus one to three months after exposure.
  • What happens if I get a positive HIV test?
    If you test positive for HIV, you will be connected with a medical provider. Peers who are living with HIV and support services, such as case management will also be available to help you along the way.